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Compliant SMS/Text Archiving
For 1/3rd the cost of an iPhone!

Join the successful firms archiving with Intradyn

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Compliant SMS Archiving Firm Issued or BYOD – Easily Allow Text Messaging.
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Easily allow texting with clients
Two ways CCO’s Meet Compliance
Network Level Archiving
Messages captured directly from Verizon & AT&T

Requires devices to be issued by the business, billing on a corporate plan and iMessage disabled on Apple phones.
Network Level Archiving let’s you capture all sms/mms activity automatically as the mobile carrier sends a copy of messages to your Email Archive. Supports smart and legacy (think flip phones!) phones. No app necessary.
Enterprise Number Archiving
On device App controlled by Corporate

Keeping Business and personal separate. Enterprise Number Archiving (ENA) is perfect for employee provided phones (BYOD).
ENA is an app assigned a Virtual “Business” cell number for calls and Texts. All messages (text and MMS) sent, received and deleted are archived and searchable. No carrying 2 phones!
Complete “Start Here” to Watch the SMS Demo Video
Get More with Intradyn’s Mobile Message Archive
Search & View Individual Messages

or “Conversation View” for full context

budgetary pricing
Entry Level/Small RIA
(Includes up to 5 users)
Network Level Archiving(NLA)
(Per User/Per Year/5+ users)
Enterprise Number Archiving(ENA)
(Per User/Per Year/5+ users)
Contact the Solution Team for formal pricing including Volume Discounts
Can we keep our numbers? Can we enforce a disclaimer? Phone calls?
Below are the most frequently asked questions around SMS archiving. Being there are multiple approaches, schedule a 15 minute walk through with the Solutions Team who will quickly guide you to the best solution, navigate the nuance and fully answer your questions.
Can we capture iMessage on iPhones?
Unfortunately no solution on the market can capture iMessage at scale due to Apple’s security and privacy stance. For firms who have employees that wish to use iMessage for personal messages our BYOD ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving) allows your employees to keep business and personal separate! ENA will never send via iMessage, ensuring all business messages are captured for books and records. For NLA (Network Level Archiving) you would need to disable iMessage from your MDM (Mobile Device Management Software). To learn more, complete “Start Here” and navigate to the “iMessage Dilemma” video.
Can we use our existing mobile phone numbers?
Answer: It depends!
For NLA (Network Level Archiving) you will continue to use your corporate billing cell phone numbers.
For ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving) you have a few options. With ENA you can issue employees net new “Business Cell Phone” numbers for the ENA App (solution includes new numbers), alternatively, if you want to repurpose your office phone numbers (so you don’t have to update business cards or email signatures) ENA has the ability to peel off the SMS portion of virtually any business phone system number (think MS Teams, RingCentral, Goto Phone, Zoom Phone or any other Cloud Phone system). 90% of new deployments look to use the SMS portion of the business phone number. To use a Cloud Phone System number for SMS we do need to confirm which platform it is on and if peeling off the SMS portion of the number is possible.
My Cloud Phone System (MS Team/RingCentral) has SMS, can we use that number?
For ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving) we do support pointing the SMS portion of say a MS Teams, RingCentral or other Cloud Phone System phone number to the ENA App. All voice calls continue to ring to the desk phone/soft phone of your business phone system number but we will peel off the SMS portion of the number (when supported) and point all SMS to the ENA App so you only have to publish one phone number in your email signature or on your business cards and compliantly capture all SMS for Books & Records.
We have an email archive solution, can we push the SMS capture there?
Answer: Yes!
Both NLA and ENA are archive agnostic, as long as you can provide the “journaling” email for your archive we can push all SMS/Text message captures to your existing archive so you can repurpose your lexicon and perform supervision from a familiar interface. (**Note, some email archive providers my require you purchase an additional license to reposit your SMS in the archive)
Alternatively, the Intradyn Mobile Message Archive is quick to deploy, easy to use. Starting at $1,250 per year, supporting up to 250 mobile users including unlimited date forward storage, unlimited support and a 3rd party letter for the Regulatory Authorities (FINRA/SEC etc), it is as cost effective as it gets.
What if a Client calls the ENA Virtual Business Number?
For the base ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving) service, all phone calls to the Virtual Business Number (assuming you issued a net new number and did NOT repurpose your office phone system numbers) will by default be forwarded to the cell phone that the app is provisioned on. You also have the ability to specify any phone number you wish for the calls to be forwarded to (your desk phone, beach house etc).
***NOTE: If you are repurposing your office phone system numbers, calls will route identically to how they do today and the above does not apply.
For an additional charge you can add a Voice Plan to your ENA plan that would allow you make unlimited domestic calls and 5 International calls per day from the ENA App with the outgoing Caller ID presenting as the virtual business number. We also offer unlimited international calling plans.
**Note: The ENA Voice plans require the cell phone have access to WIFI or cellular data.
Can we add a disclaimer to SMS?
Answer: Yes!
The Firm/CCO can centrally manage and enforce a disclaimer message to apply to both NLA (Network Level Archiving) and ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving).
Aside from being able to control and update the verbiage of the disclaimer, you also can control the cadence with which the disclaimer is transmitted. Unlike email, having a lengthy disclaimer appended to every SMS/Text message maybe overkill so you have the ability to transmit disclaimers: “Always” (with every message), “First Message in a Thread” (so the first time you communicate with the 3rd party) or “Daily” where the first message from the Firm employee will include the disclaimer.
We supervise a large employee base, do we need to know everyone’s cell phone number?
For both NLA (Network Level Archiving) and ENA (Enterprise Number Archiving) Intradyn will enrich the message capture with the “Employee Name, Cell Phone Number & Corporate Email” so you will quickly be able to identify the employee side of the conversation and perform supervision on email and SMS in the same search if you leveraging your email archive as a repository for SMS/Text messages.